The Stars My Destination - Week 9 Space Opera

“The Stars My Destination” by Alfred Bester which was this weeks suggested read was a very mind boggling read. It wasn’t hard to grasp when it came to writing styles though the main character did speak oddly. What made it so confusing yet weirdly interesting was the world and plot it self. This novel unlike the other books that are other worldly, actually explains the new technology this world holds. The author gives you background on what is going on in the future because of this new technology and even how it was created. Even though the plot of the novel doesn’t quite make sense you never seem to get too lost in the maze of narrative. 

Most Space Opera or Science Fiction as a whole typically has tie to reality and current issues. Those issues can be political, fears for the future, an even personal issues. They bring up these problems in hope that as the reader goes through the story they have a realization of those aspects of the real world. Having said that I am unsure what Alfred Bester is trying to get me to realize. It could be about how stupidity and anger only leads to a horrible revenge plot that doesn’t work out for anyone. My guess based on how sexist the main character can be is; “Don’t be so sexist to women cause they just might pass you by as you're dying in a broken ship.” Or cause the girl he likes did kill thousands of people in deep space it could also say; “Women as all snakes in the grass” which based on how sexist the writing and the time it was written kinda make sense, maybe Alfred Bester had some toxic masculinity issues like the main character. It would explain the parts where he rapes at lest two women in the novel for pretty much no reason at all other then he is a horrible person. I am unsure what the silver lining to the novel is meant to be however it was interesting enough to keep reading. 
